On Message

Help MPR News track campaign materials

You'll be likely bombarded with political ads, fliers and emails between now and the election on November 6. We want to be able to fact check the claims made in these messages and let you know who's paying for them. But first, we need your help collecting them.

If you get any fliers or emails, see any ads in small local newspapers or magazines, or receive any voicemails, please share them with us.

View the gallery of messages examined so far.

Here's how to share them with us:

• Forward any emails to onmessage@mpr.org

• Take a photo or scan any fliers or print ads and either email them to onmessage@mpr.org - or upload them below

• You can also physically mail fliers or print ads to:
On Message c/o MPR News, 480 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55101

• Forward voicemails to 1-877-678-NEWS. If you don't have this capability, please email onmessage@mpr.org for further guidance on how to share the message with us

Any questions? Let us know at onmessage@mpr.org

Submit campaign materials to MPR News

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