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For more than one in ten Minnesota households, getting enough healthy food is sometimes a problem.

Some people skip meals so their kids can eat; some go to extreme lengths to consume enough food. Many turn to cheap calories, and most experience the anxiety that comes with not always knowing where they will find their next meal.

MPR News is exploring hunger, looking at causes and consequences, at public policy and the latest research, at gaps in the system and at innovative ways Minnesota residents are finding to help. This Ground Level topic page is a compilation of our coverage.

Jump in food need has Minnesota schools looking for ways to help

New data from the shows more students rely on the National School Lunch Program. The numbers have school officials looking for ways to ensure kids are well-fed and able to learn.

Small grocery store fills gap in W. Minn. 'food desert'

In rural areas across Minnesota, thousands of residents live in communities without a major grocery store. In Big Stone County, small grocers are helping fill the gap.

Cooking classes for low-income Minnesotans offer healthy, tasty tips

A survey recently found nearly 80 percent of low- and moderate-income families cook evening meals at least five times a week.

Minnesota campaign aims to expand food stamp rolls

A new statewide outreach campaigns to enroll more Minnesotans in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Distance complicates, impedes healthy diets for some

The challenge of buying enough healthy food is complicated by distance. Thousands of people live in communities without a grocery store — leaving them to pay more, in time and money.

Researchers untangling link between hunger and obesity

In the past, hunger may have conjured up images of gaunt faces or rail-thin children. Today, some people who struggle to feed their families are actually obese.
Tough times challenge efforts to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving

Minn. food shelves prefer cash to cans

Minnesota's 319 food shelves will take your food donations this holiday season, but this year they really want your cash.
Tough times challenge efforts to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving

Tough times challenge efforts to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving

Communities and hunger relief organizations have been working for weeks to make sure everyone gets a meal this Thanksgiving, but higher food prices are making it harder.
Hunger, helping hands move out to the suburbs

Hunger, helping hands move out to the suburbs

The number of people struggling to feed themselves and their families is on the rise in the Twin Cities suburbs, including the middle class and affluent communities of Minnetonka, Eagan and Lakeville.
Fighting hunger on the reservation, with traditional foods

On the reservation, fighting hunger with traditional foods

Before they signed treaties with the U.S. government, Ojibwe Indians followed the seasons and ate the food that surrounded them. Those ways are making a return.
For the young and homeless, hunger can be a top concern

Hunger plagues the young and homeless

We take a look at how food can become a main problem for young people without homes — and how they learn to survive.
As jobs leave Kanabec Co., poverty and hunger rise

Poverty and hunger rise in Kanabec Co.

With an unemployment rate of 10.1 percent — among the state's highest — Kanabec County has many people in need, some for the first time.
To afford food, seniors stretch dollars and rely on others

Seniors stretch dollars and rely on others

Research shows that seniors who struggle with food are significantly more likely to be in fair or poor health. In a small town on Minnesota's western border, the seniors there work to get by.
A Face of Hunger: Migrant Workers in southern Minn.

Migrant Workers in southern Minn.

Every year, workers from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas gather their children and clothes and drive 1,500 miles to southern Minnesota, in an annual migration that spans generations. Most work for vegetable processing plants, but often go hungry.
Rescued food helps feed the hungry

Rescued food helps feed the hungry

In Minnesota alone, we throw out more than 715 million pounds of food each year. Hunger relief organizations are increasing their efforts to save the portion of that food that's edible — and get it to hungry Minnesotans.
Minnesotans miss 100 million meals a year

Minnesotans miss 100 million meals a year

A study by the hunger relief organization Feeding America estimates that Minnesotans struggling with hunger collectively miss almost 100 million meals each year.
Food shelves evolve as needs change

Food shelves evolve as needs change

A few decades ago, a food shelf was sometimes just that — a shelf with food on it. But in recent years, food shelves have become such a central part of the way the nation fights hunger that it's easy to forget they didn't always exist.
Schools try to keep kids fed in summer

Schools try to keep kids fed in summer

It's lunchtime at St. James High School in southwest Minnesota, and students are filling their trays with Salisbury steak, broccoli and applesauce — the kind of variety some may not have at home.

How big of a problem is hunger in Minnesota?

According to the latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 10.5 percent of Minnesota households are food insecure. That means they sometimes struggle to get enough nutritious food for a healthy lifestyle.

Bush Foundation

Support for Ground Level is provided
by the Bush Foundation.