Election Coverage from MPR

Coleman and Franken
Al Franken and Norm Coleman don't have any debates scheduled yet in the U.S. Senate contest. But you can see them answering questions about the issues on your own computer. (08/16/2008)
Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman says he would welcome an ethics committee review of his living arrangements in Washington, D.C. (08/15/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain stopped in Aspen, Colo., this week for a wide-ranging conversation about his campaign and his positions on the issues. (Midday, 08/15/2008)
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's Minnesota campaign is trying to boost Obama's standing among a key group of voters--senior citizens. (08/14/2008)
Republicans in the Minnesota Senate are say they will not welcome Rep. Mark Olson, R-Big Lake, into their caucus if Olson wins a special senate election this fall. (08/14/2008)
Catholic Charities says it will keep its Dorothy Day Center open around the clock, and offer additional services to the homeless, in the shadow of next month's Republican National Convention. (08/13/2008)


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