Campaign 2008: 6th District

Michele Bachmann is expected to formally kick-off her bid for the White House on Monday in Iowa, but she'll do so without having established the presence needed in the state to woo key activists. (06/22/2011)
President-elect Barack Obama didn't just win Minnesota's electoral votes last week; he also won the kids' vote. (11/12/2008)
Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has survived a nearly disasterous political misstep to win re-election in Minnesota's 6th district. (11/05/2008)
Polls show the race in Minnesota's 6th congressional district is a toss up, and both front runners were busy Monday trying to win over any undecided voters. (11/03/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann juggled official business and her re-election campaign in St. Cloud on Saturday, while Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg rallied student volunteers across town before heading out to knock on doors. (11/01/2008)
Sixth District Rep. Michele Bachmann says voters are not interested in her "anti-American" comments about Barack Obama and liberal members of Congress. Bachmann tried to set aside the lingering controversy today during a final debate with her Democratic challenger Elwyn Tinklenberg. (10/30/2008)
With less than a week to go before Election Day, 6th Congressional District candidates Republican incumbent Michele Bachmann and challenger El Tinklenberg stop by the Midday studio for a debate. (Midday, 10/30/2008)
Rep. Michele Bachmann uses a TV commercial and a new web site to accuse Democrat El Tinklenberg of breaking the law. But there's no indication Tinklenberg broke any laws. (10/30/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is taking a softer tone in a new TV ad after a week of hard knocks for questioning Barack Obama's views on America. (10/24/2008)
A new MPR News-University of Minnesota poll shows voter concerns over Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's recent comments have put her re-election bid into a statistical dead heat. (10/24/2008)
A day after expressing regrets over comments made about presidential candidate Barack Obama last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on a national conservative radio program and raised more questions about the Democratic presidential nominee. (10/23/2008)
Bachmann says she regrets using the term "anti-American" while discussing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's views on MSNBC's "Hardball." (10/22/2008)
U.S. Senator Norm Coleman says the heated rhetoric of the campaign season may have fueled acts of vandalism at the homes of six Minnesota elected officials. (10/22/2008)
Sixth District Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tried again today to explain what she really meant last week during a national TV interview. (10/21/2008)
National Democrats think they have a chance to unseat Michele Bachmann. Their growing sense of optimism comes after a cable TV interview where the 6th District Republican congresswoman used the word "anti-American" to refer to Barack Obama and called for an investigation into members of Congress. (10/20/2008)



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