Minnesota Senate Recount

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The Minnesota Supreme Court has agreed to hear KSTP-TV's attempt to gain access to rejected absentee ballots that were never counted in the 2008 U.S. Senate race. (10/22/2010)
A panel of Minnesota judges is deciding whether a set of rejected absentee ballots from the 2008 election should ever be opened. (06/24/2010)
A Ramsey County judge has granted a media outlet access to uncounted absentee ballots that were a flashpoint during the drawn-out 2008 Minnesota Senate race. (01/06/2010)
Newly released numbers from the Federal Election Commission show Al Franken and Norm Coleman raised more money than any other U.S. Senate candidates in the last election cycle. (12/29/2009)
The state's judges are paying tribute to the three-judge panel that decided the winner of Minnesota's disputed U.S. Senate election between Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman. (09/14/2009)
After welcoming Al Franken as the newest member on Tuesday, the U.S. Senate spent about an hour Thursday paying tribute to Norm Coleman as the latest to leave. (07/09/2009)
Democrat Al Franken will be sworn in later this morning as Minnesota's second senator, eight months after the ballots were first counted. (Midmorning, 07/06/2009)
Democrat Al Franken has arrived in Washington offering no jokes -- just a promise that he is "ready to get to work." Franken will be sworn in tomorrow as Minnesota's second U.S. senator. (07/06/2009)
A lawyer puts the Coleman-Franken decision in terms baseball fans will appreciate. (07/02/2009)
Once Al Franken officially becomes a member of the Senate next week, Senate Democrats will hold a powerful majority with 60 votes in its caucus. But that doesn't mean they can ignore the opposition. (07/01/2009)
Sen.-elect Al Franken addressed an energized crowd of several hundred supporters on the front lawn of the State Capitol Wednesday afternoon, at a long-awaited victory rally. (07/01/2009)
Live coverage of Sen.-elect Al Franken's victory rally at the State Capitol, as well as commentary from MPR's political analysts. (Midday, 07/01/2009)
There's a reason that politicians seldom use satire. (07/01/2009)
Nearly eight months after Election Day, Minnesota finally has its second U.S. senator. Midmorning looks at what lies ahead for Sen.-elect Al Franken. (Midmorning, 06/30/2009)
A political scientist offers his view of the challenges that Al Franken faces next. (06/30/2009)


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