Minnesota Senate Recount

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Sen. Arlen Specter's decision to switch parties in anticipation of the 2010 election may mean that Minnesota's 2008 election will go on even longer. (04/28/2009)
The U.S. Senate historian released a list of all of the election disputes that were reviewed by the members of the chamber. (04/27/2009)
Minnesota will head into summer without a second U.S. senator under the Supreme Court's schedule for hearing Republican Norm Coleman's appeal. While the timeline might seem long, legal observers say it's reasonable considering the gravity of the case. (04/24/2009)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken said this morning he does not think Republican Norm Coleman will win his appeal of the three-judge panel's ruling that Franken got more votes last November than Coleman. (04/22/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's lawyers filed a notice of appeal with the state Supreme Court Monday afternoon, seeking to overturn last week's ruling by a three-judge panel that found Democrat Al Franken received more legal votes than Coleman in November's election. (04/20/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's next gambit for regaining his U.S. Senate seat will come before a Minnesota Supreme Court that seems built to his advantage, with five of its seven members appointed by Republicans. But that edge isn't all it seems. (04/19/2009)
Former Sen. Norm Coleman is expected to appeal the 2008 Senate election results to the Minnesota Supreme Court within the next few days. How will the Supreme Court address the legal issues involved in the recount and election contest? (Midday, 04/16/2009)
Al Franken has raised nearly $6 million since last November's election to pay for his recount effort. (04/15/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's attorneys say they'll file an appeal with the state Supreme Court early next week. This comes in response to the ruling on Monday by the three-judge panel that heard Coleman's senate election contest. But what are Coleman's prospects? (04/15/2009)
Democrats today tried to turn up the pressure on Republican Norm Coleman to drop his legal battle for the Senate seat. Yesterday evening, the judicial panel ruled against Coleman in his election challenge lawsuit. But Coleman is showing no signs of throwing in the towel. (04/14/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's appeal of his Minnesota Senate trial loss probably won't come until next week, his attorney said Tuesday. (04/14/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman says he will appeal a three-judge panel's ruling that Democrat Al Franken was the top vote-getter in Minnesota's 2008 U.S. Senate election. The next stop for the case will be the Minnesota Supreme Court. (04/13/2009)
A Minnesota court has confirmed that Democrat Al Franken won the most votes in his 2008 Senate race against Republican Norm Coleman. (04/13/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty won't commit to a timetable for signing an election certificate in the state's drawn-out U.S. Senate race. (04/13/2009)
More delays could be ahead for a Texas lawsuit alleging that a friend and donor of Republican Norm Coleman tried to improperly steer money to the then-U.S. senator. (04/09/2009)


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