Minnesota Senate Recount

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Former Sen. Norm Coleman hasn't given up on his hopes of winning his Senate seat back, but he has a new job nonetheless. Coleman has joined the Republican Jewish Coalition as a consultant and strategic adviser. (01/22/2009)
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says there'll be no move to seat Democrat Al Franken today, and possibley not for the next few weeks. (01/22/2009)
It's no joke: Senate Democrats are moving toward letting comedian Al Franken join the chamber while Republican Norm Coleman's election lawsuit is pending. (01/21/2009)
A three-judge panel hears arguments today on Democrat Al Franken's move to dismiss the Senate election contest filed by Republican Norm Coleman. (01/21/2009)
Attorneys for Republican Norm Coleman say they will ask a three judge panel next week to review the remaining absentee ballots that were not counted in the U.S. senate race. (01/19/2009)
Democrat Al Franken hosted an inaugural brunch yesterday in Washington D.C. to raise money for legal fees associated with his Senate recount. (01/19/2009)
The court proceedings into Republican Norm Coleman's election lawsuit will begin next Wednesday. Attorneys for the Coleman and Franken campaigns met privately this morning with the three judges who will hear the case. (01/16/2009)
Lawyers for Republican Norm Coleman say the two parties will have their first meeting today with the three judge panel that will decide the Senate election contest. Both campaigns have submitted timelines for how they want the election challenge to move along in court, and now it's up to the panel to make a decision. That ruling will be the first of many in shaping a legal proceeding that is expected to look like a civil trial but will have key differences as well, such as the three-judge panel. (01/16/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman has proposed a trial schedule that could take Minnesota's U.S. Senate race well into February. (01/14/2009)
With no declared winner in the U.S. Senate election, Minnesota remains one senator short. This could affect individual Minnesotans, the state as whole and, quite possibly, national politics. (01/14/2009)
The dispute over Minnesota's U.S. Senate race has expanded. A group of 64 voters filed suit in the Minnesota Supreme Court to have their votes counted. Meanwhile, Democrat Al Franken asked the court to order the governor and the Secretary of State to sign an election certificate declaring Franken the winner over Republican Norm Coleman. (01/13/2009)
Justice Alan Page has chosen a three-judge panel to hear Norm Coleman's election contest. (01/12/2009)
Democrat Al Franken is asking Minnesota's governor and secretary of state to issue an election certificate that would enable him to take office in the U.S. Senate. Both officials immediately denied that request. (01/12/2009)
Al Franken is traveling to Washington, D.C., later this month - but not for the reason you might think. (01/10/2009)
Former Sen. Norm Coleman claims Senate Democratic leadership backed out of an agreement to let his staffers wrap up constituent cases, leaving hundreds of people in limbo. (01/09/2009)


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