Minnesota Senate Recount

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The Senate recount trial is nearing an end after seven weeks of testimony. Attorneys for DFLer Al Franken are expected to finish presenting their case today. Republican Norm Coleman is pursuing the trial in hopes of overturning Franken's 225-vote lead in the race. (Midday, 03/12/2009)
Lawyers for Democrat Al Franken won't be able to rest their case as planned today in Republican Norm Coleman's election contest, because one of their last witnesses couldn't travel to St. Paul from northwestern Minnesota because of yesterday's snowstorm. (03/11/2009)
After seven weeks of the Senate recount trial, attorneys for Democrat Al Franken plan to call their final witnesses to the stand tomorrow. (03/10/2009)
Democrat Al Franken said Tuesday he sees "a light at the end of the tunnel" and expects to be seated as Minnesota's next senator. He traveled to Washington today for meetings, including lunch with the Senate Democratic Caucus. (03/10/2009)
Only a tiny fraction of sealed absentee ballot envelopes that judges in the Minnesota Senate trial ordered searched for voter registration cards contained the document. (03/09/2009)
As Norm Coleman's election lawsuit enters its seventh week, court expenses and trial-related costs for counties around Minnesota are increasing. (03/08/2009)
Minnesota's Supreme Court on Friday blocked Democrat Al Franken's petition for an election certificate that would put him in the U.S. Senate without waiting for a lawsuit to run its course. (03/06/2009)
Democrat Al Franken is calling for full dismissal of Republican Norm Coleman's election lawsuit challenging the Minnesota Senate recount. Franken contends Coleman hasn't proved his case. (03/05/2009)
Democrat Al Franken says he's confident that he'll win the Minnesota Senate election trial, but he's not ruling out an appeal if he doesn't. (03/04/2009)
After questioning nearly two dozen voters whose absentee ballots were not counted in Minnesota's disputed U.S. Senate election, attorneys for Democrat Al Franken have called Gary Poser back to the stand this afternoon. (03/03/2009)
The overarching theme of Coleman's case, presented over the past five weeks, was to get in as many previously rejected ballots as possible, to erase Democrat Al Franken's 225-vote recount lead. (03/02/2009)
Democrat Al Franken's legal team today asked the three-judge panel hearing Republican Norm Coleman's election contest to throw out one of Coleman's major claims. (02/27/2009)
The three-judge panel hearing Republican Norm Coleman's election contest has ordered local election officials to open about 1,500 absentee ballot envelopes to look for voter registration cards. (02/26/2009)
The judges reversed their order that struck out testimony of Pamela Howell, a Minneapolis poll worker who claimed to witness errors that could have caused double-counting of votes. (02/26/2009)
Another setback for Republican Norm Coleman at the Minnesota Senate recount trial. The judges have thrown out the testimony of a Minneapolis poll worker who claimed to witness errors that could have caused double-counting of votes. (02/25/2009)


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