Campaign 2008: U.S. House

Michele Bachmann is expected to formally kick-off her bid for the White House on Monday in Iowa, but she'll do so without having established the presence needed in the state to woo key activists. (06/22/2011)
The nation's first Black President is inaugurated this week, and MPR listeners and special guests discuss what it means. (Midday, 01/19/2009)
When the 111th Congress convenes in Washington today, Minnesota will have a new face in the U.S. House of Representatives: Erik Paulsen. (01/06/2009)
Highlights from the University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute's panel on "The Minnesota Tradition of Fair Elections." (Midday, 12/11/2008)
President-elect Barack Obama didn't just win Minnesota's electoral votes last week; he also won the kids' vote. (11/12/2008)
Erik Paulsen will become Minnesota's newest U.S. Representative. (11/05/2008)
In spite of millions of dollars in TV ad spending by national Democratic groups, Minnesota's 3rd District congressional seat will remain in Republican hands. (11/05/2008)
Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has survived a nearly disasterous political misstep to win re-election in Minnesota's 6th district. (11/05/2008)
Polls show the race in Minnesota's 6th congressional district is a toss up, and both front runners were busy Monday trying to win over any undecided voters. (11/03/2008)
After eight debates and $8 million worth of television ads, the race for Congress in Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District is coming down to the ground game. DFLer Ashwin Madia, Republican Erik Paulsen and Independence Party candidate David Dillon are making their final push to get their supporters out to the polls. (11/03/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann juggled official business and her re-election campaign in St. Cloud on Saturday, while Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg rallied student volunteers across town before heading out to knock on doors. (11/01/2008)
Sixth District Rep. Michele Bachmann says voters are not interested in her "anti-American" comments about Barack Obama and liberal members of Congress. Bachmann tried to set aside the lingering controversy today during a final debate with her Democratic challenger Elwyn Tinklenberg. (10/30/2008)
Republican Rep. John Kline has represented Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District since 2002. He's defending his seat thsi year against Democrat Steve Sarvi. Both candidates join Gary Eichten on Midday for a debate. (Midday, 10/30/2008)
With less than a week to go before Election Day, 6th Congressional District candidates Republican incumbent Michele Bachmann and challenger El Tinklenberg stop by the Midday studio for a debate. (Midday, 10/30/2008)
Rep. Michele Bachmann uses a TV commercial and a new web site to accuse Democrat El Tinklenberg of breaking the law. But there's no indication Tinklenberg broke any laws. (10/30/2008)



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