Al Franken

Al Franken
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Election Coverage from MPR

Minnesota's newest senator will be the last to question Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor today. Is there anything left to ask? (07/15/2009)
Sen. Al Franken met Saturday with legal scholars in advance of next week's hearings on the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor. (07/11/2009)
After an eight-month battle, DFLer Al Franken has been declared the winner of Minnesota's remaining U.S. Senate seat. Franken already has his committee assignments and expects to begin work as soon as Congress returns from its Fourth of July break next week. (07/01/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's attorneys say they'll file an appeal with the state Supreme Court early next week. This comes in response to the ruling on Monday by the three-judge panel that heard Coleman's senate election contest. But what are Coleman's prospects? (04/15/2009)
Democrats today tried to turn up the pressure on Republican Norm Coleman to drop his legal battle for the Senate seat. Yesterday evening, the judicial panel ruled against Coleman in his election challenge lawsuit. But Coleman is showing no signs of throwing in the towel. (04/14/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman is defending the planned appeal of his Senate election lawsuit to the Minnesota Supreme Court, even if it means the state is short a U.S. senator for several more weeks. (04/09/2009)
Norm Coleman has had a lot to say on conservative TV and radio shows about his plans to take his election battle to the Minnesota Supreme Court. (04/06/2009)
Though it looks like Norm Coleman will not prevail before the three-judge panel hearing the Senate election case, the battle is far from over. (04/01/2009)
Many Republicans are urging Norm Coleman to appeal if the three-judge panel rules against him in his Senate recount trial against Al Franken. The appeal could hinge on equal protection language in the U.S. Constitution. (03/24/2009)
Democrat Al Franken is expanding the number of absentee ballots that he thinks should be counted in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race. (03/17/2009)

Candidate snapshot

Party: DFL


Date of Birth: 05/21/1951

Place of Birth: New York, N.Y.

Education: BA, General Studies, Harvard University, 1973

Positions Held: Founder, Midwest Values PAC

Business/Professional Experience: Host, The O'Franken Factor, Air America Radio, 2004 -2006; Served as a Fellow with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, 2003; Writer, Saturday Night Live, 1973-1980, 1985-1995

Religion: Jewish


Official campaign site



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