Campaign 2008: U.S. House

Having won Martin Sabo's 5th Congressional District seat just two years ago, Democrat Keith Ellison, who represents Minneapolis and some surrounding suburbs, is defending his place in Congress against Republican Barb Davis White and the IP's Bill McGaughey. All three candidates join Gary Eichten in studio for a debate. (Midday, 10/28/2008)
With eight days to go until the election, the candidates for Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District held their last debate today on Minnesota Public Radio's Midday program. (10/27/2008)
With the retirement of U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad, three challengers seek to fill his seat: Republican Erik Paulsen, DFLer Ashwin Madia and Independence Party candidate David Dillon. All three candidates stop by Midday's studio to discuss key issues in their race for Congress. (Midday, 10/27/2008)
U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum has represented Minnesota's 4th Congressional District, which includes St. Paul and some surrounding suburbs, since 2000. She and her Republican challenger Ed Matthews join Midday for a debate. (Midday, 10/27/2008)
The three candidates running to represent Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District have their seventh and final debate today on MPR's Midday program. The race unfolding in the Minneapolis suburbs is one of the most competitive and most expensive in the country. (10/26/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is taking a softer tone in a new TV ad after a week of hard knocks for questioning Barack Obama's views on America. (10/24/2008)
A new MPR News-University of Minnesota poll shows voter concerns over Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's recent comments have put her re-election bid into a statistical dead heat. (10/24/2008)
In contrast to the negative TV ads running in Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District, the candidates for that seat held a largely civil debate last night in Edina. (10/23/2008)
A day after expressing regrets over comments made about presidential candidate Barack Obama last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on a national conservative radio program and raised more questions about the Democratic presidential nominee. (10/23/2008)
Bachmann says she regrets using the term "anti-American" while discussing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's views on MSNBC's "Hardball." (10/22/2008)
U.S. Senator Norm Coleman says the heated rhetoric of the campaign season may have fueled acts of vandalism at the homes of six Minnesota elected officials. (10/22/2008)
Sixth District Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tried again today to explain what she really meant last week during a national TV interview. (10/21/2008)
A new report issued Monday quantifies the potential benefits of getting more Americans to travel by foot or bicycle. (10/21/2008)
National Democrats think they have a chance to unseat Michele Bachmann. Their growing sense of optimism comes after a cable TV interview where the 6th District Republican congresswoman used the word "anti-American" to refer to Barack Obama and called for an investigation into members of Congress. (10/20/2008)
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann's comment that Barack Obama "may have anti-American views" reflects poorly on Bachmann. (10/20/2008)



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