Campaign 2008: U.S. House

Republican 3rd District Congressional candidate Erik Paulsen says his fundraising has topped the $1 million mark. Paulsen is running for the seat held by retiring Republican Rep. Jim Ramstad. (07/09/2008)
Republican congressional candidate Brian Davis has raised nearly $400,000 from April through June, including a $100,000 loan he made to his campaign. (07/07/2008)
Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg has picked up a key endorsement in his bid to unseat Republican Michele Bachmann in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District. (06/21/2008)
U.S. Rep. Tim Walz is preparing to secure emergency flood aid from the federal government. (06/13/2008)
Democratic Congresswoman Betty McCollum says that a Playboy article written by Senate candidate Al Franken eight years ago presents a serious political problem for Democratic candidates this year. (05/29/2008)
Former Republican Minnesota Gov. and Congressman Al Quie and former Republican U.S. Sen. Dave Durenberger join Midday to preview the Republican State Convention and discuss what it takes to be elected and serve in public office. (05/29/2008)
State Sen. Dick Day, the challenger to the endorsed Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota's 1st District, said he has much more experience in government than his opponent. (05/27/2008)
The last uncommitted Minnesota superdelegate is hinting he will support Barack Obama for president. (05/13/2008)
Democrats have endorsed Iraq war veteran Steve Sarvi to run against Republican Rep. John Kline. (05/03/2008)
There are two Democrats who want to challenge Republican Michele Bachmann for her seat in Congress: Elwyn Tinklenberg and Bob Olson. One of them will get the party's endorsement this weekend. (04/25/2008)
Erik Paulsen has won the GOP endorsement in Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District. (04/19/2008)
It took eight ballots and nearly seven hours, but DFLers in Minnesota's third district have endorsed Ashwin Madia for Congress. (04/12/2008)
Third district DFL congressional candidates are in a tight race. Looking to fill the seat left by Republican Jim Ramstad, Ashwin Madia and Terri Bonoff will discuss key issues facing Congress. (Midday, 04/11/2008)
DFL delegates in Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District will try to choose a candidate Saturday to run for the seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad. (04/11/2008)
Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison said the war in Afghanistan would be a bigger issue in the presidential election if reporters and citizens took more interest in it. (04/02/2008)



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