Minnesota Senate Recount

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Republican Norm Coleman is defending the planned appeal of his Senate election lawsuit to the Minnesota Supreme Court, even if it means the state is short a U.S. senator for several more weeks. (04/09/2009)
While vowing to press ahead, Republican Norm Coleman's re-election fortunes slid further in reverse Tuesday as Democrat Al Franken widened his lead to 312 votes in the Minnesota Senate race. (04/07/2009)
As the three-judge panel prepares to count 400 or fewer disputed absentee ballots, both Coleman and Franken continue to raise money to support their efforts to win Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat. A look at the politics of the contentious Senate race and what Congress' action on President Obama's stimulus bill is shaking out around the country. (Midmorning, 04/07/2009)
Norm Coleman has had a lot to say on conservative TV and radio shows about his plans to take his election battle to the Minnesota Supreme Court. (04/06/2009)
On Tuesday, the three-judge panel hearing Republican Norm Coleman's Senate lawsuit will count the absentee ballots that it ruled were wrongly rejected. (Midday, 04/06/2009)
The pile of unopened absentee ballots that could be added to Minnesota Senate totals for Al Franken and Norm Coleman is now down to 387. (04/06/2009)
Though it looks like Norm Coleman will not prevail before the three-judge panel hearing the Senate election case, the battle is far from over. (04/01/2009)
It's looking less likely that Republican Norm Coleman will surpass Democrat Al Franken's 225-vote lead in Minnesota's long-running race for U.S. Senate. The three-judge panel hearing Coleman's election contest says it will consider opening and counting at most only 400 absentee ballots. (04/01/2009)
Attorneys for Republican Norm Coleman said Tuesday they're preparing for an appeal after a three-judge panel hearing the recount trial said it would review a maximum of 400 absentee ballots. (03/31/2009)
The Federal Election Commission says national political party committees can raise funds to help Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken offset expenses connected to the Minnesota Senate recount and trial. (03/24/2009)
Many Republicans are urging Norm Coleman to appeal if the three-judge panel rules against him in his Senate recount trial against Al Franken. The appeal could hinge on equal protection language in the U.S. Constitution. (03/24/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's attorney told a Twin Cities radio station this week that Coleman will probably end up with fewer votes than Al Franken when the three-judge panel rules in Coleman's election contest. (03/20/2009)
Democrat Al Franken is expanding the number of absentee ballots that he thinks should be counted in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race. (03/17/2009)
The fate of Minnesota's vacant U.S. Senate seat is now in the hands of a three-judge panel. Attorneys for both Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken spent the day summing up why they believe they have more votes in the contested election. (03/13/2009)
After nearly seven weeks of trial, attorneys in Republican Norm Coleman's election contest will present their closing arguments Friday before a three-judge panel. Thursday, Democrat Al Franken's lawyers called their last witnesses and rested their case. (03/12/2009)


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