Election Coverage from MPR

Pawlenty may be right for the job, but not the campaign says Time Magazine's senior political analyst. He believes John McCain will pick someone other than Tim Pawlenty as his vice presidential running mate. (08/19/2008)
The Barack Obama campaign has said it will "respond forcefully" to any attacks made on the Democratic presidential candidate. The latest, but not the last, negative barrage comes from a book by Jerome Corsi, called "The Obama Nation." (Midmorning, 08/19/2008)
When it comes to diversity, the DFL delegation to the national convention outranks the Republicans. But when it comes to reflecting the racial/ethnic makeup of Minnesota, the Republicans come closer. (08/18/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty was on the road again Monday, campaigning for Republican John McCain in the critical swing state of Wisconsin. (08/18/2008)
With the cost of gasoline on voters' minds, U.S. Senate candidates Al Franken and Norm Coleman are talking a lot about their energy plans. (08/17/2008)
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty did nothing to dampen the vice-presidential speculation swirling around him, during an appearance this morning on CBS News' Face the Nation. (08/17/2008)


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