Election Coverage from MPR

Corporations and trade organizations will spend tens of millions of dollars to get their messages heard during the Republican National Convention here and at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. (08/13/2008)
Midmorning examines the role of independent voters in the upcoming election, and how well the candidates are speaking to them. New research suggests that detailed messages will not win the hearts of this group. (Midmorning, 08/13/2008)
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader plans a rally in Minneapolis on the final night of the Republican National Convention -- the same night that John McCain will accept the Republican nomination for president. (08/12/2008)
Madia wants to eliminate $14 billion in tax breaks for oil companies and spend the money to research and encourage the use of alternative energy. (08/12/2008)
U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken is one-upping a call from his opponent, Republican Norm Coleman, for the United States to rescind funds it's sending to Iraq for reconstruction of that country. (08/11/2008)
DFL Congresswoman Betty McCollum says she will now back Democrat Al Franken for Senate after publicly criticizing him. (08/08/2008)


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