Election Coverage from MPR

The event is part of a tour of battleground states leading up to next week's Democratic National Convention. (08/21/2008)
The three major party candidates hoping to succeed retiring Republican Rep. Jim Ramstad appeared on stage together for the first time Thursday. (08/21/2008)
Obama leads McCain
A new Minnesota Public Radio and University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute poll shows Democrat Barack Obama leading John McCain in the state, but the race is still very fluid. (08/21/2008)
The Republican National Convention is only 12 days away, but history may be made even sooner in downtown with the reopening of a St. Paul landmark. (08/20/2008)
Before the Democratic and Republican national conventions and amidst this raging political season, political analysts Todd Rapp and Tom Horner join Midday at the State Fair to discuss the presidential election, the U.S. Senate race and the upcoming party conventions. (Midday, 08/20/2008)
Minnesota Republicans Norm Coleman and Tim Pawlenty are scheduled to speak the GOP national convention in St. Paul. (08/20/2008)


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