Election Coverage from MPR

The Farmfest congressional forum attracted large crowds of farmers and politicians Tuesday near Redwood Falls. (08/05/2008)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and his DFL-endorsed opponent Al Franken debated for the first time today in front of hundreds of people at Farmfest. (08/05/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty tells the National Press Club audience how the Republican Party can meet the needs of what he calls "Sam's Club Republicans." He is reportedly on the short list of running mates for Republican presidential candidate John McCain. (Midday, 08/05/2008)
Major party candidates for the U.S. Senate debated rural issues Tuesday in their first joint appearance. The traditional Farmfest debate was held at the Gilfillan Estate in Redwood County, Minn. (Midday, 08/05/2008)
As the general election kicks into high gear, the campaign ads are starting to get nasty. Midmorning dissects some of the latest ads to hit the airwaves. (Midmorning, 08/04/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Al Franken said the federal government should sell off 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's strategic petroleum reserve over the next three months. (07/28/2008)


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