Public Insight Network

What is Public Insight Journalism?

Public Insight Journalism is a way for Minnesota Public Radio journalists to find the best sources and the best information. The centerpiece of Public Insight Journalism is the Public Insight Network - a group of thousands of Minnesotans who have agreed to help us cover the news.

Every week, we ask people in that network to share their observations, knowledge and expertise with us. We take that information, distill it, and pass it on to our reporters and editors. They may follow up with a request for more information, or perhaps an interview.

We believe that this approach to journalism makes Minnesota Public Radio an even more trusted and credible source of news and information.

How does the Public Insight Network work?
Our journalists are always trying to find the best sources and the best information to tell their stories. But there are few of us, and so many people who have good information and insight that they have acquired through their jobs, hobbies, contacts, friendships or life experiences.

Advancements in digital technology have enabled us to quickly and efficiently communicate with hundreds, even thousands of people, within minutes. We combine that information in a central database which creates a powerful storehouse of intelligence.

How will Minnesota Public Radio use the information people give you?
First, we will use the knowledge, observations and expertise people provide to inform our news coverage. A newsroom analyst will take the information, connect it with other relevant intelligence and pass it on to the appropriate reporters and editors.

We will not share any personal information we received outside of the MPR newsroom. We will never quote anyone on the air or online without first getting their permission.

Reporters and editors will then decide what information they deem Newsworthy. If the information you provide interests them, they will follow up with an e-mail or a phone call. If you give permission, your insight may be posted directly to the MPR Web sites. See privacy policy.

How do I share what I know with you?
You can contact us anytime. Also, keep an eye out for e-mails asking for you to share your knowledge and expertise with us. Respond only to those that are relevant, or forward to a friend who you consider to be an expert in this topic.

We also welcome your story ideas. But, understand that we cannot cover every story that you suggest. In some cases, your idea may be a good one, but the newsroom may have other priorities.

Our standard for what is or is not a news story is not etched in stone. We apply a number of tests to story ideas. These tests may be more or less stringent depending on the availability of newsroom resources. In general, we look for stories about events, issues and trends that either directly or indirectly affect many Minnesotans.

What will you do with the information I give you?
The information you give us helps us ask you questions about topics relevant to your knowledge and expertise.

We will never, under any circumstance, sell or share your personal information outside the newsroom. We take your privacy extremely seriously. We want you and others to feel comfortable sharing important information with us. See privacy policy.

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