Plotting Potholes

It's pothole season again, and MPR News is working with SeeClickFix to map the worst potholes and alert the officials in charge of fixing them. Report your potholes, and track them.

How to report a pothole:
  1. Drag the map and zoom into your pothole's location, then click once to add details or a photo.
  2. Then, share your experience with MPR News and help with follow-up coverage.
  3. You can also use SeeClickFix's mobile apps.

Disclaimer: All reports are subject to our User Submitted Terms of Use.
This service is not an official method of reporting potholes. You can also make an official report through:

In 2010, we sent MPR reporter Tim Nelson out with a pothole crew to get a first-hand look at what it takes to fix those pock-marked streets.