Retooling Minnesota's Job Factory

Maps:The racial gap in the unemployment rate

by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio
May 24, 2010

This map provides a state-by-state look at the difference in average unemployment rates between white and black residents last year, using preliminary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In every state where data is available, unemployment rates were higher for blacks than whites.

Minnesota showed the nation's second largest disparity at 15.4 percent. Wisconsin had the largest racial gap, 16.5 percent, and West Virginia had the smallest. Data is not available for 13 states with the fewest black residents. These states are in light grey.

African-Americans vs. whites: The unemployment rate gap

The map below provides a state-by-state look at the difference in average unemployment rates between white and Hispanic or Latino residents last year, using preliminary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Minnesota had the nation's second largest disparity: 8.4 percent. Only Arkansas and Kentucky reported higher unemployment rates for whites than Hispanics and Latinos.

The data does not include 7 states with the fewest Hispanic and Latino residents. These states are in light grey.

Latinos vs. whites: The unemployment rate gap

MPR Graphics/Than Tibbetts