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CriMNet: A timeline

Minnesota Public Radio
December 27, 2006
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A data-sharing system called CriMNet has been in the works in Minnesota for the past decade. Its goal is to give judges and police across the state instant access to the most up to date information on criminals. But the system is still far from complete. Here is an outline of development of the project. These activities were either directly performed by the CriMNet program or were performed by other agencies, and directly answer/coincide with the concepts of integrating criminal justice information.
(Source: Minnesota Department of Public Safety)

Mid-1990s Work begins on improving criminal justice information collection and sharing.
2000 Katie's Law enacted after Katie Poirier, 19, a Moose Lake gas station attendant, was abducted and killed this same year. The law provided additional resources for law enforcement to access sex offender registrations electronically, and enhance ability to capture fingerprints and photographs electronically.
2000 Department of Corrections designs and rolls out Statewide Supervision System, providing access to probation, detention, and supervision data from agencies statewide.
2000 Began rollout of electronic fingerprint capture devices (called Livescans). Equipment provided to all counties by 2004.
2001 Began rollout of Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photographs (MRAP) and related hardware and equipment (rollout continued into 2002).
2001 Finalized deployment of an upgraded, Internet Protocol-based Criminal Justice Datacommunications Network.
2001 Rollout of the Predatory Offender Registration Web application to law enforcement.
2002 Designed and developed technology to connect statewide databases to allow criminal justice agencies to search for information.
2003 Rolled out search application to pilot agencies, including Carver County. (Minnesota Court Information System was also tested in Carver County.)
2003 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Policy Group completed comprehensive strategic plan for CriMNet. CriMNet restructured as branch of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and shifts focus from technology to how information is managed.
2003 Judicial branch rolls out new court information system (MNCIS) to first county. Final implementation has been delayed several times and is now scheduled for the end of 2007.
2004 CriMNet Program takes over maintenance of the state's criminal justice statute table, providing resources to update new statutes after each legislative session.
2004 Legislative auditor releases study of CriMNet, recommending that certain formal project management disciplines be initiated. Project management and other permanent staff were hired throughout 2004, which led to more detailed project status reporting, financial reporting, and a formalized communications plan.
2004 Policy Group approves second round of implementation grants for local government agencies -- $2.2 million (federal funds).
2004 Integrated Search Services application rolled out formally to all criminal justice agencies statewide, providing access to statewide court data, Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photos, Predatory Offender Registration, and Statewide Supervision System (including prison data).
2005 Targeted misdemeanor data, back to 2002, added to criminal history files, but remains incomplete.
2005 CriMNet completes technology capability assessment of law enforcement agencies and their systems.
2005 Minnesota Criminal Justice Statute Service, a dynamic database version of the statute table, rolled out for use statewide.
2005 Warrants, wanted persons and vehicles, orders for protection, Minnesota criminal history, driver's license information and driver's record information are all made available through the Integrated Search Services. To date, there are more than 3,400 registered users.
2005 By year's end, nearly all (98 percent) of fingerprints submitted by criminal justice agencies come in to the BCA electronically, due in large part to bringing Hennepin and St. Louis counties online.
2005 New version of Statewide Supervision System rolled out to agencies statewide.
2005 CriMNet conducts extensive security inventory and assessment.
2006 System developed to define business and technical standards for criminal justice system.
2006 Federal grant funds of $493,000 approved for connecting agencies to the Comprehensive Incident-Based Reporting System (CIBRS), made available by the BCA to law enforcement in 2006. Only one police department is connected at this point.
2006 Background Check and Expungement Delivery Team of the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Task Force provides comprehensive look at the issues and some recommendations for standardizing the system. Further study will be conducted in 2007.
2006 Contract executed and work begun on the Name-Event Index Service (NEIS), which will serve as a "card catalog" of criminal justice records.
2006 Work begins defining requirements for an electronic charging (e-Charging) application, to move reports and information electronically from police to prosecutors to the courts in a secure environment.