Campaign 2008: U.S. Senate

DFL U.S. Senate candidate Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer participates in MPR's 'Meet the Candidates' series. (Midday, 01/10/2008)
Al Franken is one of the Democrats challenging U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in the 2008 election. He joins Midday as part of our "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 12/21/2007)
Minneapolis attorney Mike Ciresi, one of the Democrats seeking to challenge U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in next year's election, is a guest on Midday as part of our "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 12/17/2007)
Minnesota Democratic Senate hopeful Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer takes questions from Minnesota Public Radio listeners as part of Midday's ongoing Meet the Candidates series. (Midday, 12/11/2007)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Jim Cohen answers questions from Minnesota Public Radio listeners as part of our Meet the Candidates series. (Midday, 12/05/2007)
Democrat Al Franken has netted a big endorsement in his bid to challenge Republican Sen. Norm Coleman next year. The political arm of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 5 voted Saturday to back Franken. (11/19/2007)
Al Franken and Mike Ciresi have gotten most of the attention in the race to become the DFL-endorsed candidate to run against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman next year. But political scientists say Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer might attract support with issues that could play well with the type of liberal DFLers who will attend the convention. (11/14/2007)
Sen. Norm Coleman called Rudy Giuliani "ultimately electable," a pitch that Giuliani has made throughout his presidential campaign. (11/01/2007)
Since Sen. Paul Wellstone's death five years ago he's been remembered in big and small ways. Supporters say rather than fading, Wellstone's legacy is growing stronger. (10/25/2007)
Another DFLer has entered the race to run against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman. Author and teacher Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer says he'll compete for next year's DFL endorsement. (10/10/2007)
Three Democrats who hope to take on Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman next year came together Friday to talk about the issues. Mike Ciresi, Jim Cohen and Al Franken talked about the war in Iraq, health care, taxes and other issues. (10/05/2007)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman has taken out a full-page ad in the Star Tribune newspaper, criticizing Democrat Al Franken. Franken says the ad is intended to distract voters from Coleman's support for the war in Iraq. (09/25/2007)
It's not an election year, but the race for U.S. Senate is going strong at the Minnesota State Fair. (08/30/2007)
A group called Vets for Freedom says it will air television ads throughout much of Minnesota thanking Republican Sen. Norm Coleman for his support of the president's strategy in Iraq. (08/02/2007)
Bush will be the featured guest at a Coleman fundraiser Aug. 21 in Eden Prairie, according to an invitation The Associated Press obtained Wednesday and confirmed with a spokeswoman for the hosts. (08/01/2007)




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