Campaign 2008: U.S. Senate

With a week to go until Election Day, two of the major party candidates running for U.S. Senate got some help from popular politicians who aren't on the ballot this year. (10/28/2008)
Former President Bill Clinton will make a campaign stop in Minnesota later this week. (10/28/2008)
National Republicans are attacking Democrat Al Franken in a new pamphlet that looks like a comic book but discusses pornography and rape. (10/27/2008)
The leading candidates for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat colored their statewide televised debate with spirited give-and-take over tax cuts, guns and partisanship. (10/24/2008)
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in the Twin Cities today to campaigning for Republican Senator Norm Coleman. (10/23/2008)
A new poll in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race shows Democrat Al Franken with a 6-point lead over Republican Norm Coleman, just outside the poll's margin of error. (10/23/2008)
U.S. Senator Norm Coleman says the heated rhetoric of the campaign season may have fueled acts of vandalism at the homes of six Minnesota elected officials. (10/22/2008)
The traditionally DFL Iron Range welcomed Hillary Clinton last night, in a campaign rally for Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama. (10/22/2008)
Senator Hillary Clinton told a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Minneapolis, Al Franken could be the 60th vote in the Senate that would allow Democrats to block Republican filibusters. (10/21/2008)
Minnesota's three major party U.S. Senate candidates are talking a lot about the economy as they campaign. (10/20/2008)
Minnesota's three major party U.S. Senate candidates have just two more debates before the election. During last night's third debate held in Duluth, the candidates, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman, Democrat Al Franken and Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley, engaged in a spirited discussion about campaign finance and ethics. (10/16/2008)
New campaign finance reports show that DFL challenger Al Franken raised nearly twice as much money as Republican Sen. Norm Coleman during the last reporting period. (10/15/2008)
A new poll shows that Barack Obama has a commanding lead in Minnesota, and the race for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat is very tight. (10/14/2008)
Al Franken, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, joins Midday for our "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 10/14/2008)
Midday continues its "Meet the Candidates" series with Republican incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman. (Midday, 10/13/2008)




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