Campaign 2008: U.S. Senate

Lawyers for Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman took widely opposing views on which standard the three-judge panel hearing the Senate election case should use to count absentee ballots. The court held a special hearing Thursday on streamlining the number of ballots under consideration. (02/12/2009)
The three-judge panel announced it will change the court schedule for the next three days in hopes of streamlining the election contest trial between Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken. (02/12/2009)
Attorneys for Norm Coleman spent the morning going through ballots, one by one, with Washington County top election official. (02/04/2009)
In a key ruling, the three-judge panel hearing Minnesota's senate election contest says it will allow Republican Norm Coleman's campaign to introduce about 4,800 rejected absentee ballots into the trial for consideration. (02/03/2009)
Since last November's election the campaigns of Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken have collected a total of nearly $6.4 million dollars to help finance their recount operations. (02/02/2009)
Outside the courtroom, a public relations battle between Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken continues. (01/30/2009)
Even though the court case over Minnesota's U.S. Senate race just got underway, there has been talk for weeks that Democrats may try to make Al Franken a senator before the case is over. (01/27/2009)
Several thousand abortion opponents gathered at the State Capitol Thursday for their annual march and rally. (01/23/2009)
Minneapolis election judges may be asked to take the stand in Minnesota's U.S. Senate election contest. But many election judges say it's hard to remember what seemed like minor details from a hectic day two months ago. (01/22/2009)
Republican Norm Coleman's campaign says the recount in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race was invalid and unreliable. Some conservative critics have gone further. They suspect the recount was rigged. But members of the state Canvassing Board defend their work as "thorough, open and bi-partisan." (01/14/2009)
Former Sen. Norm Coleman claims Senate Democratic leadership backed out of an agreement to let his staffers wrap up constituent cases, leaving hundreds of people in limbo. (01/09/2009)
A new court filing in Texas seeks to suspend a lawsuit alleging that a friend and donor of Republican Norm Coleman tried to improperly steer money to the U.S. senator. (01/08/2009)
The scuffle over a replacement senator for President-elect Barack Obama highlights an obstacle likely to keep Democrat Al Franken from taking office in Washington before a court challenge over his apparent victory in Minnesota is resolved. (01/07/2009)
Norm Coleman has filed a lawsuit contesting the results of the recount in the 2008 Senate election. Midday examines next steps in the legal process. (Midday, 01/07/2009)
An election contest could drag on for weeks and even months and is going to cost both sides money. It could cost Minnesota taxpayers, too. (01/07/2009)




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