Campaign 2008: U.S. Senate

Republicans meeting for their state convention in Rochester endorsed incumbent U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman to run for a second term. (05/30/2008)
As Republicans gather to endorse him for re-election, Sen. Norm Coleman is talking a lot about his public service experience and Democrat Al Franken. (05/30/2008)
This year marks the 30th anniversary of one of the biggest political turnarounds in Minnesota history. (05/30/2008)
Democratic Congresswoman Betty McCollum says that a Playboy article written by Senate candidate Al Franken eight years ago presents a serious political problem for Democratic candidates this year. (05/29/2008)
Former Republican Minnesota Gov. and Congressman Al Quie and former Republican U.S. Sen. Dave Durenberger join Midday to preview the Republican State Convention and discuss what it takes to be elected and serve in public office. (05/29/2008)
Running for Senate has taken a bite out of Al Franken's earnings. (05/24/2008)
U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken has hired a new campaign manager with experience in helping a Democratic challenger unseat a Republican incumbent. (05/15/2008)
DFL Senate candidate Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer claims significant support among DFL state convention delegates. And some observers say Al Franken's tax problems could make an opening for him. (05/11/2008)
Tax experts say Al Franken's accountant should have known that Franken needed to pay taxes in the 19 different states where Franken earned money in the last four years. (05/02/2008)
DFLer Al Franken's campaign has been scrambling to shore up support among the people who will decide on the party's Senate endorsement. (04/30/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says he is paying tens of thousands of dollars in back income taxes to more than a dozen states. Franken says he became aware of the taxes owed after a recent review of his books following other tax problems. (04/29/2008)
DFL Senate hopeful Al Franken is dismissing accusations that he is evading paying back taxes as partisan attacks. (04/27/2008)
Officials with Al Franken's Senate campaign say his accountants are trying to determine whether the Democrat owes back taxes in California or anyplace else. (04/25/2008)
The candidates for U.S. Senate in Minnesota have raised more money for their race so far than in any other Senate race in the country in 2008. (04/20/2008)
Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, who's running for re-election this year, joins Midday as part of our "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 04/17/2008)




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