Campaign 2008: U.S. Senate

Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's re-election campaign is apologizing to two Minnesota newspapers for two nearly identical letters to the editor that ended up published under two different names. The campaign acknowledges a staffer was behind the letters. (02/27/2008)
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mike Ciresi trails behind comedian-turned candidate Al Franken for the party's nomination. He hopes to convince DFL delegates that Franken can't win against incumbent Republican Norm Coleman. (02/11/2008)
The caucuses were the first step toward endorsing a DFL candidate for the U.S. Senate to run against Republican incumbent Norm Coleman. (02/06/2008)
The three candidates competing for the DFL endorsement for U.S. Senate had one final chance today to reach voters before Tuesday night's caucuses. They took part in a live debate on Minnesota Public Radio. One of them will face Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in November. (02/05/2008)
Lawyer and environmental activist Jim Cohen says he's ending his underdog bid to be the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate this year. (02/01/2008)
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/Humphrey Institute Poll indicates DFL Senate hopeful Al Franken poses a tougher re-election threat to Republican Sen. Norm Coleman than any of the other Democrats who want Coleman's job. (02/01/2008)
On the day of the Minnesota caucuses, Gary Eichten hosts DFL U.S. Senate candidates Mike Ciresi, Al Franken, and Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer in a live debate. (Midday, 02/01/2008)
Attorney Mike Ciresi spent more than $500,000 on his DFL Senate campaign during the last quarter of 2007, despite saying he would not self-finance his Senate bid. (01/31/2008)
Minnesota's two U.S. senators agree Congress will pass an economic stimulus plan, as the president called for in Monday night's State of the Union speech. (01/29/2008)
For Minnesota's DFL Senate hopefuls, the state precinct caucuses are an important first step in lining up state convention support. (01/29/2008)
Minneapolis attorney Mike Ciresi is one of the Democrats seeking to challenge U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in this year's election. He takes listener questions as part of Midday's "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 01/29/2008)
Many candidates are now trying to use social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook to recruit volunteers, communicate with supporters and get their messages out online. (01/24/2008)
Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Al Franken takes listener questions for Midday's "Meet the Candidates" series. (Midday, 01/23/2008)
As Minnesota's precinct caucuses draw near, several DFL activists shared their views about the candidates and what they think is important heading into the endorsement decision. (01/20/2008)
Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, who's running for re-election this year, answers questions about his recent trip to Iraq and other major issues facing Congress. (Midday, 01/11/2008)




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