Campaign 2008: President

The candidates have been spending a lot of time in Iowa and New Hampshire before voters make their presidential picks. In the first of a two-part series, here are excerpts of speeches Democratic candidates have made in both states as they attempt to win over voters. (Midday, 12/26/2007)
Presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney laid out his views on the proper role of religion in American public life Thursday, saying, "We should acknowledge the Creator as did the founders, in ceremony and word." (Midday, 12/07/2007)
With the final round of a yearlong campaign approaching, the Republican presidential race grew remarkably bitter during a CNN/YouTube debate Wednesday night, as the top contenders jockeyed for the upper hand -- and sought it by tearing down one another. (Midday, 11/29/2007)
Sen. Norm Coleman called Rudy Giuliani "ultimately electable," a pitch that Giuliani has made throughout his presidential campaign. (11/01/2007)
Former President Bill Clinton was in Minneapolis Tuesday to raise money for his wife's 2008 presidential campaign. (10/23/2007)
Rudy Giuliani added to his fundraising lead with a private fundraiser Thursday at the Minneapolis Club. Giuliani then crossed the street to greet supporters at a downtown diner. (10/18/2007)
The former mayor of New York City breezed through Minnesota, shaking hands at a St. Paul cafe, sharing coffee with a few patrons and then heading off to a fundraiser at a country club in the suburbs. (09/06/2007)
The Tennessee Republican told several supporters that he will make his announce his plans soon. That's not soon enough for those in the Democratic Party who say Thompson is using a loophole in campaign finance laws by raising money without being held accountable as an official candidate. (08/27/2007)
A new unauthorized biography of Sen. Clinton examines her carefully crafted persona and her presidential ambitions. The authors of "Her Way" talk about the candidate's background. (Midmorning, 08/13/2007)
Sen. Joe Biden, a 2008 presidential candidate, is out with a new autobiography called "Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics." (Midday, 08/01/2007)



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