Campaign 2008: President

Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Kentucky primary Tuesday. (05/20/2008)
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama made his first stop in South Dakota Friday. (05/16/2008)
Democrat John Edwards is endorsing former rival Barack Obama, fresh signs of the party establishment embracing the likely nominee even as Hillary Rodham Clinton refuses to abandon her increasingly long-shot candidacy. (05/14/2008)
Hillary Rodham Clinton coasted to a large but largely symbolic victory in working-class West Virginia on Tuesday, handing Barack Obama one of the worst defeats of the campaign yet scarcely slowing his march toward the Democratic presidential nomination. (05/13/2008)
The last uncommitted Minnesota superdelegate is hinting he will support Barack Obama for president. (05/13/2008)
Clinton, speaking in an airport hangar in Sioux Falls, said the Democratic Party will be stronger as the process continues. (05/08/2008)
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama won a decisive victory in North Carolina, while Hillary Clinton won Indiana on a thin margin. Midday explores what the results mean as the campaigns get ready for the next primary elections in Nebraska and West Virginia. (Midday, 05/07/2008)
Barack Obama swept to a convincing victory in the North Carolina primary Tuesday night and declared he was closing in on the Democratic presidential nomination. Hillary Rodham Clinton eked out a win in Indiana as she struggled to halt her rival's march into history. (05/06/2008)
Hillary Clinton won a vote in an unlikely way from Pam Jones this year. It was when Jones was making get-out-the-vote calls on behalf of Barack Obama. (05/06/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty warned against a rush to judgment about the cause of the 35W bridge collapse, one day after likely Republican presidential nominee John McCain blamed it on wasteful spending. (05/01/2008)



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