Campaign 2008: President

Sen. Barack Obama swept the Louisiana primary and caucuses in Nebraska and Washington state Saturday night, slicing into Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's slender delegate lead in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. (02/09/2008)
Some high-profile Minnesota Republicans are feeling low this afternoon with the news that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is dropping out the presidential race. (02/07/2008)
Republican Mitt Romney has ended his campaign for the presidency. That leaves John McCain as the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination, with Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul still in the race. Midday analyzes the impact on the campaign from here on out. (Midday, 02/07/2008)
John McCain effectively sealed the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday as chief rival Mitt Romney suspended his faltering presidential campaign. (02/07/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama won Minnesota's caucuses by a 2-1 margin over Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll get twice as many delegates. Mitt Romney won the GOP straw poll, but the results are are nothing more than a beauty contest. (02/06/2008)
Sen. John McCain seized command of the race for the Republican presidential nomination early Wednesday. Democratic rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama traded victories in an epic struggle with no end in sight. (02/05/2008)
Barack Obama rode his appeal to younger voters to victory in Minnesota's caucuses, swamping Hillary Clinton in a Super Tuesday win built on strong support in the state's college towns. (02/05/2008)
The last major party presidential candidate to visit Minnesota before Tuesday's caucuses was Republican Ron Paul. More that 4,000 people turned out to see him at a rally Monday night at the University of Minnesota. (02/05/2008)
As the candidates travel the country in anticipation of Super Tuesday, the real work is behind the scenes. That's where the campaigns are working furiously to get out the vote. (02/04/2008)
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul is scheduled to hold a campaign rally Monday night at the University of Minnesota, one day before Minnesota's precinct caucuses. (02/04/2008)



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