Campaign 2008: President

Republican John McCain said Wednesday that the bridge collapse in Minnesota that killed 13 people last year would not have happened if Congress had not wasted so much money on pork-barrel spending. (05/01/2008)
In a speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., the Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses his sermons, the black church and race in America, and he takes questions from the Washington press corps. (Midday, 04/28/2008)
Hillary Rodham Clinton ground out a gritty victory in the Pennsylvania primary Tuesday night, defeating Barack Obama and staving off elimination in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. (04/22/2008)
Days before the Pennsylvania primary, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama participated in what was perhaps their last debate. (Midday, 04/17/2008)
One of Minnesota's last uncommitted Democratic superdelegates is backing Barack Obama. (04/12/2008)
John McCain won St. Olaf senior Andrew Foxwell's vote with the help of an online quiz. But it was following the Republican presidential candidate on the campaign trail that really inspired him. (04/08/2008)
Thousands turned out in Grand Forks last night to hear Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton speak. Both candidates appeared at the North Dakota Democrat's state convention. (04/04/2008)
Minnesota Public Radio is collecting stories about that moment a voter goes from being undecided to supporting a candidate. Barack Obama won a vote this week from Evy Engrav-Lano of Minnetonka. (03/21/2008)
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama spoke Tuesday in Philadelphia about America's history of racial division, and his hope for a conversation about race that can help unite the country. (Midday, 03/18/2008)
Geraldine Ferraro was villified for saying Barack Obama is doing well in the primaries because of his race. Midmorning asks if race should or could be ignored in this presidential campaign. (Midmorning, 03/18/2008)



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