Campaign 2008: President

A private fundraising event for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama drew hundreds of people to a downtown Minneapolis hotel last night. (08/07/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty told two groups in Washington Wednesday that the Republican Party needs to come up with better ideas to appeal to blue collar voters. (08/06/2008)
In the centerpiece of Barack Obama's overseas tour, the Democratic presidential candidate addressed a crowd of over 200,000 -- his largest crowd yet -- in Berlin, Germany. (Midday, 07/25/2008)
Speculation is growing among political pundits and others that Gov. Tim Pawlenty could become Republican presidential nominee John McCain's choice for Vice President. (07/24/2008)
Governor Tim Pawlenty campaigned yesterday for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (07/24/2008)
Obama will be at a downtown Minneapolis hotel on August 6. Donors are being asked to contribute between $1,000 and $28,500. (07/23/2008)
Ron Paul's revolution rally is moving to a bigger site. (07/22/2008)
In an address before the NAACP today, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain talked about his plan for education. (07/16/2008)
Republican presidential candidate John McCain held a town hall meeting today in Hudson, Wis., where he talked to an audience made up of mostly women about his plans to boost a sagging economy. (07/11/2008)
Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain will be in Hudson, Wis. for a women-only forum. Midday broadcasts McCain's Hudson talk, then Carleton College political scientist Steven Schier provides political analysis and takes listener calls. (Midday, 07/11/2008)



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