Election Coverage from MPR

Minnesota's leading Senate candidates are turning to heavy hitters on the last day before the election, and crisscrossing the state to appeal to their supporters to go to the polls tomorrow. (11/03/2008)
Political scientist Steven Smith will join Gary Eichten in studio to talk about the key Senate races around the country, including the race in Minnesota, and the latest on the presidential election. (Midday, 11/03/2008)
Just two days before Election Day, U.S. Senate candidates Republican Norm Coleman, Democrat Al Franken and the Independence Party's Dean Barkley gathered at the Fitzgerald Theater in downtown St. Paul for their final debate of the election season. The debate was moderated by Midday's Gary Eichten. (Midday, 11/03/2008)
The presidential candidates are capping a history-making campaign with a dash from Florida through a half-dozen other crucial states as John McCain tries for an upset over Barack Obama. (11/03/2008)
The final stretch to Election Day has been dogged with mudslinging, counter-attacks and calls for investigations. However, it's a separate battle over Minnesota's voter rolls that has become so contentious. (11/03/2008)
The debates are over, the endrosements have been made. Now the candidates and parties are making their final push to get their supporters to the polls tomorrow. Thousands of volunteers spent the weekend knocking on doors, making phone calls and attending rallies on behalf of their candidates. (11/03/2008)


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