Election Coverage from MPR

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann juggled official business and her re-election campaign in St. Cloud on Saturday, while Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg rallied student volunteers across town before heading out to knock on doors. (11/01/2008)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman released a TV ad Saturday accusing his DFL challenger Al Franken of engineering a last minute attack on him and his family. (11/01/2008)
Warmed by the cheers of thousands, John McCain and Barack Obama plunged through the final weekend of their marathon race for the White House. (11/01/2008)
Should the federal government continue to provide $7 billion in taxpayer subsidies for ethanol? John McCain and Barack Obama disagree. (11/01/2008)
Despite John McCain's prediction of an upset, Barack Obama reached for a landslide Friday, invading his rival's home state with TV ads and building a lead in early voting in key battlegrounds as the presidential race headed into a hectic final weekend. (10/31/2008)
In the final weekend before Election Day, U.S. Senate candidates respond to new allegations against Sen. Coleman and make their final case to the voters. (10/31/2008)


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