Election Coverage from MPR

An estimated 65,000 Minnesotans will be ineligible to cast ballots Tuesday because they've been convicted of crimes. But Minnesota does restorr the vote to ex-offenders once they've served their time and are released from parole or probation. (10/31/2008)
Labor leaders and business groups across the country will be closely watching the results of Minnesota's Senate race on Tuesday night. (10/31/2008)
Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie predicts at least 80 percent of the state's eligible voters will show up at the polls on Tuesday. (10/31/2008)
In a bold move, Democrat Barack Obama broadened his advertising campaign on Friday into two once reliably Republican states and placed a commercial in John McCain's home state of Arizona. (10/31/2008)
Just days before Election Day, Sen. Norm Coleman is playing defense against a lawsuit that claims a friend and donor funneled $75,000 to an insurance company that employs his wife. Coleman said this morning the allegations are "patently false." (10/31/2008)
Eight decided voters join Midday to talk about why they support Barack Obama or John McCain for president. (Midday, 10/31/2008)


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