Election Coverage from MPR

A group of black Democrats gathered in a Minneapolis restaurant on Election Night to watch the returns and cheer on local black candidates. But the main event was the race between Barack Obama and John McCain. By the end of the night, they all saw what many thought they'd never see in their lifetimes, an African American elected to the highest office in the country. (11/05/2008)
Minnesotans approved a constitutional amendment to provide sales tax funding for outdoors projects and the arts. (11/05/2008)
His name etched in history as America's first black president, Barack Obama turned from the jubilation of victory to the sober challenge of leading a nation worried about economic crisis, two unfinished wars and global uncertainty. (11/05/2008)
The economy was by far the biggest issue among Minnesota voters as they headed to the polls yesterday. (11/05/2008)
Barack Obama came to St. Paul in June to claim the Democratic nomination, a milestone that resident Brian Grandison said at the time would be "empty and meaningless" if the Illinois senator wasn't elected president. (11/05/2008)
Judy Chucker, an Al Franken-DFL campaign intern, shares her thoughts as Election Day comes to an end. (11/04/2008)


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