Election Coverage from MPR

The results of school levies and bonds in Minnesota Tuesday were almost evenly split. So far, 35 of the questions have passed; 38 have failed. Results aren't known yet in three districts, including three questions in Duluth, because of precincts that haven't reported. (11/05/2008)
Minnesota voters packed the polls yesterday. About 2.8 million people voted, about the same number that showed up at the polls in 2004. While they came short of breaking a record, it's still destined to be one of the best turnouts in the nation, if not the best. (11/05/2008)
The Associated Press has backed off its earlier declaration that Norm Coleman won re-election to the U.S. Senate, because the margin of victory is so slim it will require a recount. (11/05/2008)
In spite of millions of dollars in TV ad spending by national Democratic groups, Minnesota's 3rd District congressional seat will remain in Republican hands. (11/05/2008)
Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has survived a nearly disasterous political misstep to win re-election in Minnesota's 6th district. (11/05/2008)
Minnesota Democrats defended reliable presidential turf from a Republican incursion and delivered the state for Barack Obama. But neither side expects Minnesota to fall off the White House target list for next time. (11/05/2008)


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