Election Coverage from MPR

The last major party presidential candidate to visit Minnesota before Tuesday's caucuses was Republican Ron Paul. More that 4,000 people turned out to see him at a rally Monday night at the University of Minnesota. (02/05/2008)
As the candidates travel the country in anticipation of Super Tuesday, the real work is behind the scenes. That's where the campaigns are working furiously to get out the vote. (02/04/2008)
It's been called Super Duper Tuesday and Tsunami Tuesday. Whatever you call it, today is the day that could propel some presidential candidates to their party's nomination and cause others to end their campaigns. (Midmorning, 02/04/2008)
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul is scheduled to hold a campaign rally Monday night at the University of Minnesota, one day before Minnesota's precinct caucuses. (02/04/2008)
Minnesota's precinct caucuses happen Tuesday. Here's a guide for how to participate. (02/04/2008)
As voters across the country head into Super Tuesday, a new Minnesota Public Radio News/Humphrey Institute poll shows that domestic issues like jobs and health care are now at top the list of concerns for Minnesotans. (02/04/2008)


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