Election Coverage from MPR

Barack Obama powered past Hillary Rodham Clinton in the race for Democratic convention delegates Tuesday on a night of triumph sweetened with outsized primary victories in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. (02/12/2008)
The Democratic race for president remains a tossup between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, heading into another series of primaries Tuesday. The party nomination could be decided by a small group of superdelegates to the national convention. (Midmorning, 02/12/2008)
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mike Ciresi trails behind comedian-turned candidate Al Franken for the party's nomination. He hopes to convince DFL delegates that Franken can't win against incumbent Republican Norm Coleman. (02/11/2008)
Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in Maine presidential caucuses Sunday, grabbing a majority of delegates as the state's Democrats overlooked the snowy weather and turned out in heavy numbers for municipal gatherings. (02/10/2008)
Sen. Barack Obama swept the Louisiana primary and caucuses in Nebraska and Washington state Saturday night, slicing into Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's slender delegate lead in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. (02/09/2008)
Democrat Steve Sarvi has officially announced his campaign for Congress in Minnesota's Second District. (02/07/2008)


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