Election Coverage from MPR

The state's junior U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar is still not saying whether she supports Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for president. (03/07/2008)
Some of the Minnesota House Republicans who voted with Democrats to override Gov. Pawlenty's transportation veto could face a backlash this weekend. (03/07/2008)
Minnesota's three Democratic Party superdelegates who are still uncommitted are coming under intense pressure from supporters of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. (03/05/2008)
Saying, "We kept the faith," Mike Huckabee has bowed to political reality. (03/05/2008)
Barack Obama suffered a setback Tuesday in his efforts to drive rival Hillary Rodham Clinton out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, but claimed the delegate math still is on his side. (03/05/2008)
Hillary Clinton's victories in the key states of Ohio and Texas mean the fight for the Democratic nomination will continue. Meanwhile, John McCain earned enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination. Midday looks at the results of the presidential primaries and what they mean for the rest of the 2008 presidential race. (Midday, 03/05/2008)


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