Election Coverage from MPR

Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie estimates that 1 in 10 eligible Minnesota voters participated in Tuesday night's caucuses. But the record turnout led to frustration at many locations because organizers ran out of parking spots, chairs and ballots. (Midday, 02/06/2008)
Minnesota's precinct caucuses shattered their attendance records last night for both Republicans and DFLers: More than 200,000 DFLers and 60,000 Republicans caucused. (02/06/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama won Minnesota's caucuses by a 2-1 margin over Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll get twice as many delegates. Mitt Romney won the GOP straw poll, but the results are are nothing more than a beauty contest. (02/06/2008)
The caucuses were the first step toward endorsing a DFL candidate for the U.S. Senate to run against Republican incumbent Norm Coleman. (02/06/2008)
Sen. John McCain seized command of the race for the Republican presidential nomination early Wednesday. Democratic rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama traded victories in an epic struggle with no end in sight. (02/05/2008)
The hardest-fought contest for the White House in decades brought people out in record numbers to Minnesota's precinct caucuses on Tuesday. The Sec. of State was projecting the turn-out for the DFL could approach 200,000 caucus goers. (02/05/2008)


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