Election Coverage from MPR

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama drew almost 20,000 fans to the Target Center for a speech Saturday afternoon in downtown Minneapolis. (02/02/2008)
Four presidential candidates have now planned stops in Minnesota over the next few days, ahead of Tuesday's political caucuses. The latest to announce her plans is Democrat Hillary Clinton, who will be here Sunday. (02/01/2008)
Lawyer and environmental activist Jim Cohen says he's ending his underdog bid to be the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate this year. (02/01/2008)
Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to campaign in Illinois this weekend for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain. (02/01/2008)
Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama debate one final time before over 20 states across the country hold caucuses and primary elections. Midday airs the CNN/LA Times/Politico Democratic presidential candidates debate. (Midday, 02/01/2008)
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/Humphrey Institute Poll indicates DFL Senate hopeful Al Franken poses a tougher re-election threat to Republican Sen. Norm Coleman than any of the other Democrats who want Coleman's job. (02/01/2008)


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