Minnesota Public Radio at the 2009 State Fair

MPR Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt FAQ

Who can participate?
Anyone who can use a digital camera can play. Simply register to participate, so we know you're playing and can share your photos online. Rules for eligibility for the random drawing prize are different -- for instance, MPR employees or direct relatives can participate in the photo hunt, but will not be included in the iPod Touch giveaway. Sign up early, register online now.

What will I/my team be taking pictures of?
You have to check in before the scavenger hunt to find out. You'll receive the list of photo subjects and you can plan your photography trek around the Fairgrounds from there. One hint: The list size is manageable, but you may need to be creative to get a picture that represents each item.

When can I take the photos?
On MPR Day at the Fair! More specifically, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT on Friday, Sept. 4, 2009. One day only!

Where do I check in, and where do I check out?
At the MPR News tent in Carousel Park on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. You can use the official Minnesota State Fair map to find Carousel Park.

How/where should I share my scavenger hunt photos?
When you check in and get the scavenger hunt list, our producers will make sure we can support downloading or otherwise importing your digital photos. After you've completed the list, you'll return to the tent and the individual or team captain will work with a volunteer to register and upload all the related images.

Can I edit my pictures?
We won't be able to support photo editing or photo manipulation on our computers at the tent.

Why should I participate in a photo scavenger hunt, when I can take my own fair photos?
You could do both! Photo scavenger hunts are fun. You (and/or your team) will get a list of photo subjects, and it may challenge you (and perhaps your digital camera) to get pictures of each item. We will also post photos from participating teams on MPR Web sites, complete with credited byline.

How can I sign up?
Complete this online form to secure a spot. Some day-of registration may be available on Sept. 4, but we'd like to know you're planning on it!

Will you cover my costs?
Sorry, you'll have to grab your own camera, get to the Minnesota State Fair and buy your own entrance tickets. It is just one more way for you to have fun on your own visit to the fair.

Why do I have to sign up?
I could just get the list from someone else, take the photos and show up... Sure, but we're planning on sharing all the photos we can online. Register so we can prepare a set spot for your pictures and to confirm eligibility for the iPod Touch drawing.

Don't I have rights to my own photos? Why does this say I'm donating the photos to MPR?
Yes, you do retain the rights to your photos. We need some rights to publish them on our Web site and upload them to sites we maintain or use (like Flickr.com for the purposes of slideshows), and our practice is to use donated photos with attribution.

I have more questions. Who can help me? Contact us.