Is the American High School Obsolete?

A News Series and Public Insight Forum hosted by Kerri Miller

High School students
Teacher Gretchen Kulis gives students in her classroom some individual instruction. (MPR Photo/Brandt Williams)
Friday, April 27th, 2007
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
The UBS Forum
Minnesota Public Radio

Is the American high school obsolete? Gov. Pawlenty says yes, citing graduation rates and test scores that are too low.

Students at one of the state's biggest high schools say the answer is no. High schools aren't obsolete when classes are small and students can connect with teachers and advisers.

In a new series of reports, reporters will take us into some of the state's big traditional schools and to alternative high schools to tackle the question of the high school and whether its obsolete. If the Governor has got it wrong, then what changes have to occur to improve test scores and graduation rates? We'll hear from employers and colleges who say high schools should stress math and sciences to prepare the students for the workforce and 21st century economy.

The series will launch online and on the air in April and conclude on April 27th with a Public Insight Forum featuring students, parents and educators.