Campaign 2008: President

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president Sunday, describing the Illinois senator as a "transformational figure." (10/19/2008)
John McCain has been taking on Barack Obama at campaign stops today in North Carolina and Virginia, two traditionally Republican states McCain is struggling to hold onto. (10/18/2008)
Barack Obama's rally in St. Louis on Saturday drew an estimated 100,000 people, confirmed by his campaign to be the largest crowd for an Obama event in the U.S. (10/18/2008)
Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann said in a TV interview Friday that she's concerned Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama "may have anti-American views." (10/17/2008)
For all four of the presidential and vice presidential debates, MPR News invited some undecided voters to our headquarters in downtown St. Paul to watch the candidates face off. (10/16/2008)
Planners of last month's Republican National Convention in St. Paul met their goal of raising $58 million in cash and in-kind contributions to stage the four-day affair. (10/16/2008)
While Republican presidential nominee John McCain went on the attack during the final presidential debate held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, Democratic presidential nominee continually redirected the conversation to economic and other issues. Midday rebroadcasts this last presidential debate of 2008. (Midday, 10/16/2008)
John McCain challenged Barak Obama on several fronts in a spirited discussion, but was it enough to change the complexion of the race? Midmorning analyzes the presidential debate on domestic policy at Hofstra University. (Midmorning, 10/16/2008)
John McCain assailed Barack Obama's character and his campaign positions on taxes, abortion and more Wednesday night, hoping to turn their final presidential debate into a launching pad for a political comeback. "You didn't tell the American people the truth," he said. (10/15/2008)
Sen. Barack Obama's commanding 17-point lead in Wisconsin over John McCain shown in a new independent poll released Tuesday is the largest he's ever enjoyed in the state. (10/14/2008)



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