Campaign 2008: President

Barack Obama and John McCain enter the final days of the presidential campaign amid dwindling reserves, with Obama hindered by a sudden drop in fundraising and McCain restrained by spending limits. (10/24/2008)
Republican John McCain on Thursday spiced up a cross-state bus tour aimed at keeping Florida from swinging to the Democrats by accusing rival Barack Obama of saying "anything to get elected." (10/24/2008)
Questions about how the issue of race will affect support for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama have so far centered on white voters. But what about how race is influencing black voters? (10/23/2008)
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in the Twin Cities today to campaigning for Republican Senator Norm Coleman. (10/23/2008)
Former Republican Gov. Arne Carlson says he's supporting Democrat Barack Obama for president. (10/23/2008)
A day after expressing regrets over comments made about presidential candidate Barack Obama last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on a national conservative radio program and raised more questions about the Democratic presidential nominee. (10/23/2008)
Two polls show Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama with 13- and 11-point leads in Wisconsin over Republican candidate John McCain. (10/22/2008)
The traditionally DFL Iron Range welcomed Hillary Clinton last night, in a campaign rally for Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama. (10/22/2008)
Senator Hillary Clinton told a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Minneapolis, Al Franken could be the 60th vote in the Senate that would allow Democrats to block Republican filibusters. (10/21/2008)
Minnesota's Iron Range has a history of being a stronghold for Democrats. But party leaders openly acknowledge some party loyalists have concerns about voting for Barack Obama because he's black. (10/21/2008)



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