Campaign 2008: President

Teachers and students across Minnesota are spending class time discussing this week's historic election. (11/07/2008)
National public Radio's Juan Williams, Emmy Award-winner and best-selling author of "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years," joins Midday to discuss the history of the civil rights movement leading to the election of the country's first black president. (Midday, 11/06/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama defeated Republican John McCain by almost 10 percentage points in Minnesota, but that wave of support didn't propel U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken to a decisive victory over Norm Coleman. (11/06/2008)
With hundreds of jobs to fill and only 10 weeks until Inauguration Day, Obama and his transition team confronted a formidable task complicated by his anti-lobbyist campaign rhetoric. (11/05/2008)
With a gracious nod to Barack Obama, John McCain acknowledged defeat and urged his supporters to move beyond partisan differences to put country first - an echo of his campaign theme. (11/05/2008)
His storied election behind him and weighty problems in his face, Barack Obama turned Wednesday to the task of building an administration in times of crisis as Americans and the world absorbed his history-shattering achievement as the first black leader ascending to the presidency. (11/05/2008)
Minnesota Democrats defended reliable presidential turf from a Republican incursion and delivered the state for Barack Obama. But neither side expects Minnesota to fall off the White House target list for next time. (11/05/2008)
A group of black Democrats gathered in a Minneapolis restaurant on Election Night to watch the returns and cheer on local black candidates. But the main event was the race between Barack Obama and John McCain. By the end of the night, they all saw what many thought they'd never see in their lifetimes, an African American elected to the highest office in the country. (11/05/2008)
His name etched in history as America's first black president, Barack Obama turned from the jubilation of victory to the sober challenge of leading a nation worried about economic crisis, two unfinished wars and global uncertainty. (11/05/2008)
Barack Obama came to St. Paul in June to claim the Democratic nomination, a milestone that resident Brian Grandison said at the time would be "empty and meaningless" if the Illinois senator wasn't elected president. (11/05/2008)



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