Election Coverage from MPR

Erik Paulsen, a candidate for Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District, addressed the Republican National Convention on its fourth night. (09/04/2008)
Before the Republican National Convention can come to a close, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., must accept his party's nomination. Also speaking tonight will be Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, and Cindy McCain. As part of our special convention coverage, Gary Eichten broadcasts live from the Xcel Energy Center, the site of the Republican National Convention. (Midday, 09/04/2008)
The Republican Party came in for some criticism today from what might seem like an unlikely source. (09/03/2008)
Away from the convention floor and TV cameras, politicians are using the national conventions as a backdrop to raise money and rub elbows with big donors, including Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman, who faces a tough re-election challenge this year. (09/03/2008)
After working on her speech for the last couple of days in St. Paul, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected to addresses the delegates at the Republican National Convention and accept the nomination for Vice President. As part of our special convention coverage, Gary Eichten broadcasts live from the Xcel Energy Center as tonight's convention session is underway. (Midday, 09/03/2008)
Police say the RNC Welcoming Committee, a group of self-described anarchists, plotted to burn vehicles, spear police with poles, and even discussed kidnapping delegates. An attorney for the defendants says charging the activists with terrorism is "an abuse of the criminal justice system." (09/03/2008)


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