Election Coverage from MPR

"I haven't decided yet, so I can't tell you," McCain said in an early morning radio interview. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's name is apparently still on the short list. (08/28/2008)
On the third night of the Democratic National Convention, former President Bill Clinton offered a ringing endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., accepts the nomination for Vice President. Midday broadcasts their convention speeches. (Midday, 08/28/2008)
The Democratic National Convention has nominated Barack Obama as the party's presidential candidate, the first black American ever named to lead a major party into the fall elections. (08/27/2008)
Minnesota delegates to the Democratic National Convention went out of their way today to demonstrate that they are united behind Barack Obama. Some of the better known delegates and party leaders who had been supporting Sen. Hillary Clinton made an appeal for unity. (08/27/2008)
Delaware Senator Joe Biden is tonight's featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. One of the few persons in the world with first hand experience in that role is former Vice President Walter Mondale. (08/27/2008)
Like thousands of others in Denver, some children have brought their political passion and protests to the streets. (08/27/2008)


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