Election Coverage from MPR

The final day of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. (08/28/2008)
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak is having a busier two weeks than most of the delegates at the DNC. Rybak co-chairs the delegation in Denver. He's a statewide co-chair for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and he's helping to host the Republican National Convention next week. (08/28/2008)
For four days the pundits and the politicians have owned the airwaves during the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Minnesota Public Radio decided it was time for the rest of the Democrats to have their say. (08/28/2008)
Barack Obama aims to weave the personal with the political Thursday night as he tells 75,000 supporters in a football stadium - and millions more at home - how as president he would make a difference in their lives. (08/28/2008)
Senator Norm Coleman raised $1.27 million over a recent seven-week period, and entered the final months of his campaign with $5.6 million in the bank. (08/28/2008)
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty joined some other Republicans in Denver this morning to rip Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. (08/28/2008)


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