Election Coverage from MPR

A new grassroots group takes a global warming challenge to the politicians. (11/05/2007)
Sen. Norm Coleman called Rudy Giuliani "ultimately electable," a pitch that Giuliani has made throughout his presidential campaign. (11/01/2007)
Since Sen. Paul Wellstone's death five years ago he's been remembered in big and small ways. Supporters say rather than fading, Wellstone's legacy is growing stronger. (10/25/2007)
Former President Bill Clinton was in Minneapolis Tuesday to raise money for his wife's 2008 presidential campaign. (10/23/2007)
In his new book, journalist Matt Bai chronicles the rise of the new progressive wing of the Democratic Party. He believes that what started with the 2004 presidential campaign of Howard Dean is one of the first political movements of the 21st century. (Midmorning, 10/23/2007)
With polls showing their race much closer than the Democrats,' the leading Republican presidential candidates attacked each other's conservative credentials in their debate Sunday. How are the candidates faring in the first states to vote? (Midday, 10/22/2007)


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